How do you boost your metabolism and why is it important? Focusing on your metabolism and how to boost it may help you find small wins in the self-care department. Despite what you may have heard, metabolism is way more than weight management. Metabolism plays a key role in our body’s well-being and is intertwined with a vital aspect of our health – our immune system.

Boosting Metabolism and Immunity

As we close out the end of the year, we can’t help but think about how ‘on the go’ we all are. Every weekend booked, closing out the year at work, traveling, planning and attending parties, indulging in all of the delicious fall and holiday food, shopping for everyone (including yourself) – you name it! Juggling all of this can be overwhelming and exhausting, and take a toll on our metabolism and therefore, our immune system. And although it is a lot to manage, there is nothing worse than not feeling 100% and feeling behind or that you are missing out on creating memories.

During these challenging times when you feel the need for a boost in the metabolism and immunity departments, consider incorporating Vive Immunity Boost Shots into your daily ritual. This is a simple and effortless way to give your body that little extra oomph. Not only are the ingredients super powerful and potent, but they also taste delicious, and have no sugar added. If you don't know which shot to try first, we recommend the Vive Organic Immunity Boost Original with Ginger & Turmeric. This shot includes metabolism and immunity boosting ingredients such as: Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Echinacea Root & Flower, Black Pepper as well as Organic Pineapple Juice & Organic Lemon Juice.

So, what exactly are the benefits of these ingredients? Allow us to elaborate!


First up – Ginger Root. Ginger Root is known as a spice and has been used for medicinal purposes1 for hundreds of years beginning in Southeast Asia. Ginger root contains a strong compound of antioxidants and vitamins and can be used fresh, dried, or as a spice or juice.

An additional way to incorporate Ginger Root into your routine is by having ginger tea in the mornings, followed by a Vive Organic Immunity Boost shot with Ginger and Turmeric. If you ever find yourself lacking the motivation to get up and move, taking a quick shot or making some ginger tea, can help relieve some of that discomfort you may have been feeling.


The second powerful and beneficial ingredient we should explore is Turmeric Root. Turmeric Root is another brightly colored, super nourishing root. Be sure to be careful when handling this as the bright yellow color from the turmeric can stain countertops and clothes. If it does stain, using hot water with lemon to dab fabric or a typical clothing stain remover before washing should help.

Because turmeric is not all that easily absorbable into the body, combining it with black pepper can help increase these levels3 by activating it! This is another reason to love the Vive Organic Immunity Boost shot with Ginger and Turmeric – all of the ingredients work together to help in a variety of ways like with metabolism and immunity as we have mentioned.


Another important ingredient in these delicious shots is Echinacea root & flower. If you’ve never heard of this ingredient before, Echinacea flowers are beautiful purple flowers that are part of the Daisy family and are Native to North America. A main health benefit from Echinacea root and flower4 include: you guessed it – improving immunity. Echinacea may also help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Because blood sugar levels are a key indicator of how your metabolism is functioning, you may be very conscious about keeping this low in order to keep your immune system strong and your energy levels consistent.


The last ingredients are the ones we typically think of with immunity – Vitamin C! The Organic Pineapple & Orange Juice in these shots cut through some of that zing from the ginger and black pepper, but not too much! Not only do these juices help with immunity, but they also may aid with your metabolism. Aside from all of the benefits of orange and pineapple juice, the taste of these two ingredients is refreshing and gives you the perfect boost of energy!


There are so many ways to keep your metabolism and immune system in check, but we’re here to remind you it does not need to be difficult or complicated. Our 2oz shots are convenient and you can purchase them in a four-pack to store in your fridge. Taking these in the morning before a workout, while traveling, with lunch, or whenever you need that extra boost is so easy with Vive Organic. Having the ingredients listed on the side of the packaging is also helpful and transparent. Did you know that Vive collaborates with a team of doctors to help create the ingredients and doses that go into each recipe? This might make you feel that much better about choosing Vive as one of your sources to feed your body the nutrients it needs while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you’re ready to maintain a healthy lifestyle, be sure to pick up some Vive Immunity Shots – they make it SO much easier.


1What Are 11 Benefits Of Ginger?: Healthline (Accessed October 17, 2023)

2Does Turmeric Help You Lose Weight?: Heathline (Accessed October 17, 2023)

3Brown, Mary-Eve R.D.N., C.S.O., L.D.N., Turmeric Benefits: John Hopkins Medicine (Accessed October 17, 2023)

4Echinacea: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and Dosage: Healthline (Accessed October 17, 2023),and%20lower%20blood%20sugar%20levels.

58 Emerging Benefits of Pineapple Juice: Healthline (Accessed October 17, 2023)

6How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure: American Heart Association (Accessed October 17, 2023)

Jamie Lee McIntyre MS RDN
Jamie Lee McIntyre MS RDN
Jamie Lee McIntyre is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist and President of Nutrition Talks LLC. She is a nutrition communications consultant, writer, speaker and virtual practitioner, regularly appearing as a TV Nutrition Expert Correspondent across the country on NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX news affiliates, as well as in digital publications worldwide. She received a Bachelors in Nutrition & Dietetics from the University of Rhode Island with a Minor in Psychology, as well as a Masters in Advanced Nutrition Studies from the University of Saint Joseph. Her educational background and 15 years of experience as an RDN in various pockets of the industry provide a unique understanding of the psychology of eating and health behaviors and contributes to her strategy of crafting nutrition messages that garner attention and engagement of various audiences that elicit positive change. She believes in equal prioritization of mental and physical well-being in regards to eating practices and uses an "all-foods-fit" approach when helping families foster healthy relationships with food and nutrition.